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Meet Tiffany and Madonna

About us: Tiffany and Madonna are a bonded pair of four-year-old intact female guinea pigs.


Estimated birth dates: 12/14/2020


Personalities: Because these gals are a bit shy when it comes to approaching and picking them up, they are in our Trust Training Program. Despite their hesitancy toward being handled, they are making progress and will come up and sniff, come when called, and accept treats/food from the hand. Their foster describes them both as curious, energetic, friendly toward humans, friendly toward other animals, funny, playful, smart, and sweet. They always sing and squeak when they see their foster pet parent and when they know it is time to eat! They appreciate being talked to and delight in carrying on conversations.


Favorite treats: Both girls especially enjoy cucumbers, carrots, and romaine lettuce.


Favorite toys and activities: Tiffany and Madonna love to eat meals and snacks, drink their fresh, filtered water, and chew on a variety of toys. They relish stretching out and relaxing while watching their foster pet parent do activities. When they are feeling energetic, their favorite game is to play tag with each other.


BFF (Does this animal have or need a friend of the same species in their home?): Yes, Tiffany and Madonna are bonded and must be adopted together.


Daily routine: These ladies' daily routine consists of breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals or snacks, out-of-cage playtime in an exercise pen, having their cage tidied, and chatting with their foster pet parent and each other throughout the day

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