Many pocket pets are highly intelligent and can learn to use a litter box. Most of these animals tend to pick a single spot to go potty to keep the rest of their living space clean. By placing a litter box where they most often go potty they can be trained fairly quickly.
Many types and sizes of litter boxes are available depending on the size and temperament of your pocket pet. A litter box should be plastic so it cannot be chewed through, has raised sides to contain the litter, and at least one lower opening for easy entrance. Square, triangular, and covered boxes are all good options depending on the size and shape of your cage and what works best for your pet.
The litter box should be filled with a different type of substrate than the bedding. Many options are available including, shredded paper, dry grass pellets, and paper pulp. Any litter that causes excessive dust or clumps should be avoided since it can cause health problems including upper respiratory problems and choking. Never use clumping litter with any pocket pet as they may ingest it!
If you allow your pocket pet to roam around your house it is important to provide them with litter boxes around the room or potty breaks every 15 to 30 minutes.
To train a pocket pet to use their litter box completely clean out their cage and place the new litter box inside. Putting a few pieces of poop in the litter box will show your pet what the box is to be used for. If you catch your pet using the box make sure to praise and reward them, and if they don’t gently tell them no and move the poop into the litter box.
It is important to remember that each animal is an individual and will learn to use a litter box in his or her own time. Some may catch on immediately while others may take years or may never learn.