When choosing a wheel for your pet, be sure you get one that is large enough and of the correct material for their species.

When your pet runs on a wheel of incorrect size:
• Their spine is arched.
• Their head is bent above shoulders.
• Their legs are compressed or stretched and in an unnatural position.
• Their gait while running is awkward, restricted, or uncomfortable.

When your pet runs on a wheel of correct size:
• Their spine is straight.
• Their head and shoulders align.
• Their legs are relaxed and in a natural position.
• Their gait while running is normal and comfortable.
12 - 15 inches
Solid base; wood or metal only.
12 - 15 inches
Solid base; wood or metal only.
8 - 10 inches
Solid base; wood or metal only.
10 - 12 inches
Solid base.
12 - 15 inches
Solid base.
9 - 11 inches
Solid base.
6.5 - 8 inches
Solid base.
6.5 - 8 inches
Solid base.
12 - 15 inches
Solid base.
All information shared by MN Pocket Pet Rescue is researched, up to date, and accurate to the best of our ability. We are not a licensed veterinary organization and do not intend to present ourselves as such. All educational material contains our best recommendations for care specific to each species. However, all animals are different and some may have unique needs. MN Pocket Pet Rescue does not assume any liability for the well-being of any animal not under our care. Always use your best judgment and follow veterinary recommendations whenever necessary. If you have any questions or find inaccurate information please contact us.